Our Six Strategic Directions - Healthy Workforce ? Healthy Hospitals ? Healthy Partnerships ? Healthy Communities ? Healthy Resources ? Healthy Leadership
Delivering a Healthy WA
About Us


Western Australia’s public health system aims to ensure healthier, longer and better lives for all Western Australians and to protect the health of our community by providing a safe, high quality, accountable and sustainable health care system.

We recognise that this care is achieved through an integrated approach to all the components of our health system. These components include workforce, hospitals and infrastructure, partnerships, communities, resources and leadership. We also recognise that WA Health must work with a vast number of groups if it is to achieve the vision of a world-class health system.

WA Health is entering one of the most exciting and challenging decades of service provision in our State’s history. In March 2004, the Health Reform Committee put forward 86 recommendations in their final report (Reid report) outlining major improvements to be made to the public health system in WA. The Government endorsed 85 recommendations and established the Health Reform Implementation Taskforce (HRIT) to implement the recommendations.

Since then WA Health has worked hard to achieve the recommendations set out in the Reid report and to coordinate activities into six priority areas in order to provide better focus and direction to truly deliver a healthy WA.

The six strategic directions or priority areas WA Health follows are: Healthy Workforce, Healthy Hospitals, Healthy Partnerships, Healthy Communities, Healthy Resources and Healthy Leadership.

Healthy Workforce

Our health system workforce is the foundation of the delivery of health care…

Healthy Hospitals

Our intention is to improve access to and efficiency in hospital and health care services based on population needs now and into the future…

Healthy Partnerships

The continuing success of the health system as a whole is dependent on strong relationships with other health care related bodies…

Healthy Communities

Our intention is to focus on improving lifestyles, working on the prevention of ill health, and the implementation of a long-term, integrated health promotion program…

Healthy Resources

A key rationale for reform in WA Health is the need to deliver a sustainable, equitable and accountable health care service to all Western Australians…

Healthy Leadership

Healthy leadership is a vital factor that will take WA Health into the future. We believe leadership is about guiding others to achieve our vision for WA Health…

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