Healthy Partnerships
The continuing success of the health system as a whole is dependent on strong relationships with other health care related bodies, as well as those agencies whose activities impact on the health of our community, e.g. Education, Environmental Health. We rely on such partnerships in the planning and delivery of innovative, cost effective, and high quality health care services.
WA Health welcomes the pivotal role private health and aged care providers play in service planning and delivery. Our intent is to create stronger links and partnerships with other government agencies, non-government organisations, consumers, community groups, private providers, health professionals and the Australian Government, all of whom have an interest in the wellbeing of our health system.
Underpinning our vision of a world-class health system will be the uniting of and investing in research, teaching, training and education. Only as a united group of motivated and committed partners can the vision of delivering a Healthy WA be met.
We Commit To:
- Establishing a framework in which all health providers understand and have a clear role in WA Health.
- Establishing rural / metropolitan links which improve access for rural and remote communities.
- Engaging the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing in service reform in the major areas of:
- Pharmaceutical reform;
- Aged care services;
- General Practice and improved coordination of care; and
- Primary care interface.
- Developing a strategic plan for immediate investment in health and medical research infrastructure.
- Increasing the role of the non-government organisation sector.
- Establishing closer relationships with central Government agencies.
- Improving relationships with other public sector agencies.
- Improving relationships with academic institutions and colleges.
- Exploring how to improve and increase involvement of private health care organisations with our public health system.