Kids Only

Red and green varieties come from the same plant, with red capsicums allowed extra time on the plant to develop colour. Use in stir-fries, casseroles and salads, and stuffed with meat and rice mixtures.

Varieties include:
Green:  Crunchy texture which stays fresh longer than other varieties
Red: Sweeter but soften quicker than green
Yellow: Mildest flavour
Orange: Sweet and crisp
Black/Purple:  Purple outside and green inside. Turns green when cooked.

Choose capsicum with firm glossy skins, no spots or shrivel.

In an airtight bag in refrigerator crisper.

Serving suggestion:
Cut into four, remove seeds. Grill or roast until skin blackens. Seal in plastic bag for several minutes to loosen the skin. Peel away the skin. Serve on grilled Turkish bread topped with other roast vegetables and meat.


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