Use in soups, casseroles, curries, pasta and vegetable side dishes. Smaller varieties of pumpkin are generally baked whole or hollowed out and cooked stuffed with meat or rice mixtures:
Varieties include:
Iron bark: Large with green-grey skin
Jarrahdale: Large and round with grey-blue skin. The flesh should be firm and a deep yellow colour
Queensland Blue: Deep blue-grey skin
Japanese: Small to medium size, green skin and gold flecks with a very mild flavour
Butternut: Shaped like a pear with a golden brown, hard skin. Its flesh is a deep orange colour
Orange Minikin: Small, squat pumpkin with golden skin
Golden Nugget: Small, round and orange red with bright orange flesh
Gem Squash: Dark green in colour and about the size of an onion
In cling film in refrigerator crisper for cut pieces, or at room temperature for whole pumpkins.
Boil for 8-10 minutes. Steam for 15-20 minutes or until tender. Microwave in a covered dish with 1 tablespoon water on HIGH (100%) for 5-6 minutes or until tender, stirring after 4 minutes to ensure even cooking.
Serving suggestion:
Slice off the lids of mini pumpkins and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Bake with the lids at 180°C for 30 minutes or until tender. Fill with a mixture of chopped spinach, finely chopped almonds, grated nutmeg and ground black pepper. Cover with the lid and return to the oven for 10-15 minutes to heat the filling.