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Green, small oval shaped with pointed tip, shiny skin with pale green pulp. Very aromatic citrus fragrance. Tart and sour. Use in juice, salad dressing, marinades, garnish with fish and shellfish, in Asian and Central American cooking.

Varieties include:
Tahitian and West Indian Lime: Small, round, glossy green skin and green flesh with an acid taste.

Select heavy firm fruit, evenly coloured and glossy.

Room temperature or under refrigeration. Keep out of the sunlight, as deterioration will occur.

Cut in slices or wedges to garnish dishes. The zest may be grated and used to add flavours to dishes. Juice may be squeezed and frozen or used fresh.

Use both rind and juice in cooking, it is often combined with seafood and coconut milk. Lime can be used as a substitute lemon in many dishes for a distinctively different flavour.

Serving suggestion:
Squeeze lime wedges over paw-paw with seeds removed.

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