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 ACT Campaign Information

The ACT Go for 2&5 campaign was coordinated by the Health Promotion Branch, ACT Health. It was launched in 2005 and ran in the ACT until 2013. The campaign targeted adults in the ACT community who are the main food buyers and meal preparers who have the most influence over what their families eat.

Go for 2&5 in the ACT aimed to raise awareness of:

  • recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetables;
  • serve sizes; and
  • how easy it is to add more fruit and vegetables to meals.

The ACT campaign complemented and built on activities undertaken nationally. Strategies included:

  • Distribution of consumer resources
  • Promotional displays
  • Building partnerships with key stakeholders
  • Media advertising
  • Communication (including newsletter articles and website information)
  • Targeted event sponsorship
  • Taste events/demonstrations